Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Now I'm a lefty, too

Back in February I posted that this was now an "official" MI/Lib Dem blog, after Michigan Liberal listed me on their blogroll.

Well, now I see someone's added me to the Michigan blogroll on leftyblogs, too. For which I say, "Hey, thanks!"

See, I didn't even try to submit Coit Avenue to what I thought were lefty's pretty stringent standards. You have to post mostly about state and local politics. You have to post "original" content. And they "reserve the right to accept or reject any submission." Sheesh -- harsh! Besides, I thought, why bother when there are so many bloggers around the state who are more thoughtful, on-topic, and prolific than I am?

But now, thanks to someone, this blog is being scanned daily along with all the others -- 39 in Michigan and 1444 nationwide, as of today.

Which means I'd better quit slacking and get posting. We got a gubernatorial race goin' on here!


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